
Thursday, October 31, 2013

DateTime minvalue in C#.Net

Here we discuss about set DateTime.MinValue. When you try to assign a DateTime to the null literal in the C# language, The compiler will give an error "Cannot convert null to System.DateTime".

Instead of assigning the DateTime to null, you can use the readonly field DateTime.MinValue

Example :

DateTime date1;

Output :

1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

Monday, September 30, 2013

2 - 3 Years experience .net interview questions

Here i list out questions - part 1 were asked in 2 - 3 years experience in .net,c# and sql server

  1. Tell about Design Patterns?
  2. What is GAC and explain?
  3. Difference between web service and remoting?
  4. Difference between response.redirect and server.transfer?
  5. Tell about Application Events?
  6. What are Custom Control and User Control? 
  7. Tell about Page life cycle ?
  8. What is cross page postback?
  9. What are the access modifiers and explain?
  10. Tell about real need of interface?
  11. Explain OOPS concepts?
  12. Can multiple catch blocks be executed?
  13. What is Jagged Arrays?
  14.  What are the differences between System.String and System.Text.StringBuilder classes?
  15. What’s the difference between the System.Array.CopyTo() and System.Array.Clone() ? 
  16. What are delegates? 
  17. What are the difference between clustered and a non-clustered index?
  18. What are the different index configurations a table can have?
  19. What is CHECK Constraint?
  20. What is an execution plan? When would you use it? How would you view the execution plan? 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Invalid temp directory in chart handler configuration [c:\TempImageFiles\].

Here we discuss how to solve the asp:chart error like 'Invalid temp directory in chart handler configuration [c:\TempImageFiles\].'  Try to remove the virtual directory path !!

Old web.config snippet

Please follow the below step the error will resolved. 

web.config snippet

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Disable Multiple times button click event example using,c#,javascript

Here we discuss how to avoid multiple times button click. 

Script Snippet:

  1. Create java script function like below there we can get button object and using java script 

HTML Snippet:

C# Snippet:

  1. Write below code in asp:button click event and create array list and set desire time as loop count 

SQL Server Query for remove first / last character in a string

Hi now we can see how to remove first / last character in a string SQL Server.

Query for remove first char


SET @rollid=',18,24,40,'
SELECT Substring(@rollid, 2, (len(@rollid))) as Rollno


Query for remove last character from string


SET @rollid='18,24,40,'
SELECT Substring(@rollid, 1, (len(@rollid)-1)) as Rollno


SQL Query to display rows value into single column

Query for display last one week record of rollnos and its displayed in single column with sepeartor in between nos

declare @rollid nvarchar(max)=''        
select @rollid=@rollid+convert(varchar(5012),rollno)+',' from studentrecord(nolock) where stuid in('18','16') and cdate >=DATEADD(day,-7, getdate())order by CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), cdate, 103) desc   
select @rollid 

Based on dropdown selection dynamically set texbox maximumlength Using jquery

Here i explain how to set textbox maximumlenght depends on dropdown selection. Follow the below simples steps to get the result.

Script snippet:

 function drpchange() {
        if ($('#<%=searchtooldrp.ClientID %> :selected').text() != "Emp Name") {
            $('#<%=searchtooltxt.ClientID %>').attr("maxlength", "10");   

HTML snippet:

Monday, September 16, 2013

How we can customize your Gridview report while printing and viewing

Let see how can we achieve this. some times we have code to generate report using Gridview and user wants to print a page of your report. 

By setting simple css declartion we can do.

Set maxlength of textbox dynamically with javascript or jQuery

Today we are discussed about how to set maxlength in textbox using JQuery and javascript. Kindly look at the example and how we can achieve this.

Single textbox we can  set maxlength dynamically. 

sample code:

sample jquery:
